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why is hamlet a bad person?

hamlet, the iconic protagonist from william shakespeare’s tragedy, is often hailed as a complex and intriguing character. however, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that hamlet possesses numerous traits and engages in actions that can be deemed morally questionable. this article delves into the reasons why hamlet can be considered a bad person, exploring his dubious behavior and its implications.

the consequence of indecisiveness

one of hamlet’s defining characteristics is his indecisiveness, which ultimately leads to devastating consequences. throughout the play, he consistently hesitates to take action against those who have wronged him, prolonging his revenge and causing unnecessary suffering. for instance, when hamlet has the perfect opportunity to kill claudius, his father’s murderer, he delays the act, resulting in the deaths of innocent lives, including his lover ophelia.

the manipulative nature

in his pursuit of vengeance, hamlet manipulates those around him, using their trust and loyalty to further his agenda. he plays with the emotions of his friends, such as rosencrantz and guildenstern, to extract information and advance his plan. this manipulation reveals a selfish side of hamlet, where he prioritizes his desires over the well-being of others, ultimately causing harm and betrayal.

the destructive effects of obsession

hamlet’s obsession with revenge consumes him to the point of self-destruction and blinds him to the potential collateral damage. he becomes so fixated on avenging his father’s death that he loses sight of his own humanity. his obsession distances him from his loved ones, resulting in their tragic fates and his own downfall.

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the treatment of women

hamlet’s treatment of women, particularly ophelia, is another indication of his flawed character. he dismisses ophelia’s emotions and manipulates her feelings, ultimately driving her to madness and suicide. his disrespectful behavior towards her exemplifies a lack of empathy and a disregard for the well-being of others.

the betrayal of friendship

in his pursuit of revenge, hamlet betrays the trust and friendship of those closest to him. he uses his friends, like horatio, as pawns in his elaborate schemes, without regard for their safety or emotional well-being. this betrayal not only showcases his selfish nature but also highlights his willingness to sacrifice others for his own gain.

in conclusion, while hamlet may be regarded as a complex character, it is essential to recognize his numerous shortcomings that make him a bad person. from his indecisiveness to his manipulation and obsession, hamlet’s actions cause harm and destruction. by examining these flaws, we gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of morality and the consequences of one’s choices.

frequently asked questions

  1. why does hamlet hesitate to take revenge?
  2. what is the significance of hamlet’s manipulation of others?
  3. how does hamlet’s obsession lead to his downfall?
  4. what is the impact of hamlet’s treatment of women in the play?
  5. why does hamlet betray his friends in his pursuit of revenge?

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