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hamlet, one of william shakespeare’s most famous plays, is a tragic tale of revenge and betrayal. throughout the play, we witness the complexities of hamlet’s character and the reasons behind his actions. one pivotal moment occurs when hamlet kills laertes, the son of polonius. this act raises many questions about hamlet’s motives and the consequences it has on the story. in this article, we will explore the reasons why hamlet kills laertes and delve into the psychological and emotional dynamics at play.

the tension between hamlet and laertes

before we can understand why hamlet kills laertes, we must first explore the tense relationship between the two characters. laertes, the impulsive and hot-headed son of polonius, becomes an antagonist for hamlet as his quest for vengeance mirrors that of our protagonist.

the role of revenge

revenge is a central theme in hamlet, and it ultimately drives the actions of both hamlet and laertes. however, their motivations for seeking revenge differ significantly. hamlet’s desire for retribution stems from his father’s murder by his uncle, claudius, while laertes seeks revenge for the death of his father, polonius, who was accidentally killed by hamlet.

the ophelia factor

ophelia, the sister of laertes, adds a compelling layer to the tension between hamlet and laertes. ophelia’s tragic fate intertwines her with both men, creating a dynamic where hamlet’s actions indirectly lead to her madness and eventual demise.

the duel: hamlet vs. laertes

the pivotal moment when hamlet and laertes face each other in a deadly duel further highlights the reasons behind hamlet’s decision to kill laertes. this scene serves as a climax, where the pent-up emotions of both characters explode, leading to tragic consequences.

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the poisonous plot

during the duel, we discover that laertes, with the aid of claudius, has plotted to kill hamlet using a poisoned rapier. however, their scheme backfires when laertes himself is wounded by the poisoned weapon. in a desperate attempt for vengeance, laertes reveals the truth to hamlet and confesses his complicity in the plot.

the unraveling of emotional turmoil

hamlet’s decision to kill laertes in the heat of the moment is driven by a mix of emotions, including anger, grief, and a desire for justice. the intense emotional turmoil hamlet experiences throughout the play culminates in this life-or-death confrontation.

the aftermath and reflection

the aftermath of hamlet killing laertes serves as a turning point in the play and prompts hamlet to reflect on his actions. upon realizing that his impulsive act has resulted in the deaths of laertes, claudius, and himself, hamlet acknowledges the consequences of his thirst for revenge.

self-reflection and tragic enlightenment

hamlet’s confrontation with laertes leads him to a moment of self-reflection, where he recognizes the destructive nature of revenge. this realization sheds light on hamlet’s internal struggle and his futile attempts to make sense of the moral complexities that surround him.


the reasons behind hamlet’s decision to kill laertes are multifaceted and deeply rooted in the complex web of relationships and emotions portrayed in the play. revenge, grief, and a desire for justice all contribute to hamlet’s actions, ultimately leading to the tragic climax of the story. the encounter between hamlet and laertes serves as a moment of reckoning, forcing both characters to confront the consequences of their choices.

frequently asked questions

  1. what drives hamlet to seek revenge?
  2. how does ophelia’s fate impact the tension between hamlet and laertes?
  3. what role does revenge play in the play hamlet?
  4. does hamlet regret killing laertes?
  5. what are the consequences of hamlet’s decision to kill laertes?

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