Linus Torvalds about russian programmers

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лінус торвальдс

Linus Torvalds Addresses russian Programmers and Troll Accounts

On October 23, 2024, Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, responded to an email regarding a patch request for the Linux MAINTAINERS file. The request sought to revert changes made due to compliance requirements. These changes had removed several entries, and many anonymous accounts, presumably linked to russia, tried to campaign for the reversion of these updates. Torvalds’ response to the patch not only rejected the idea but also pointed out the larger geopolitical factors at play.

Anonymous russian Trolls Targeting Open-Source Projects

In his email, Torvalds did not hold back in describing the situation. He highlighted that multiple random anonymous accounts had emerged, trying to push for the reversion of changes through grassroots campaigns. According to him, these were efforts by russian troll factories to influence decisions in the open-source community. He made it clear that such attempts would have no effect on the decision to remove certain entries from the MAINTAINERS file. The message reflects how even open-source projects like Linux, which are primarily technical, can become battlegrounds for geopolitical tensions.

Compliance Requirements and Global Sanctions

One of the central points in Torvalds’ message was his reference to international sanctions. He explained that the decision to remove certain maintainers was based on compliance requirements that extended beyond the United States. Torvalds noted that these requirements were part of broader sanctions that many countries have imposed on russia due to its political actions, particularly the ongoing war and aggression. His statement underscored that the open-source community also has to adhere to these legal frameworks, even if it might not always align with the individual interests of developers in affected regions.

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Rejecting russian Aggression

In his response, Torvalds made his stance on russian aggression unmistakably clear. As a Finnish citizen, he expressed no sympathy for russia’s actions on the global stage, pointing out the absurdity of anyone thinking that he would support russian aggression. He directly addressed those involved in the anonymous troll campaign, suggesting they improve their knowledge of history and current events instead of relying on russian state-sponsored media.

Global Implications for Open-Source Communities

Torvalds’ message is a reminder that even the open-source ecosystem is not isolated from the world’s political and social realities. The email shines a light on the presence of state-sponsored campaigns trying to manipulate projects such as Linux, which is used globally by millions. It also highlights the ethical responsibility developers and maintainers have when faced with broader international issues. Torvalds’ firm rejection of this manipulation underscores his commitment to maintaining the integrity of the Linux project, free from undue external influence.

Linus Torvalds’ Legacy of Uncompromising Leadership

Throughout his career, Torvalds has been known for his direct, no-nonsense approach to leadership and decision-making in the open-source community. This email is a perfect example of that uncompromising attitude. His response was not just about a technical change; it also conveyed his firm stance on political and ethical issues that have become intertwined with the open-source world. As russian sanctions continue to impact global industries, the Linux community, like many others, must navigate these challenges while maintaining its core values of openness and collaboration.

Ultimately, this exchange serves as a reminder of the increasingly complex world in which developers operate. It showcases how political forces can influence even technical and open-source environments, but also how strong leadership like Torvalds’ helps safeguard these spaces from manipulation and external pressure.

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